Resident Evil 4 Review - IGN (2024)

In light of the high-quality remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3 released in 2019 and 2020, it felt like a safe bet that Capcom would do an equally admirable job of rebuilding Resident Evil 4. Even so, when I hit the start button on this 2023 remake of the legendary 2005 action-horror game I wasn’t prepared for how forcefully it would knock my knees out from under me and suplex me headfirst into 16 hours of sustained tension and exhilaration. This fully revitalised campaign dramatically one-ups the original in almost every conceivable way. Its Spanish countryside setting is substantially more sinister, its pacing has been tightened to the point where hardly a single minute is wasted, and its controls have been modernised in order to allow its signature dynamic shooting mechanics to really shine. I’ve been waiting 18 years for a game to thrill me in the same way as Resident Evil 4; as it turns out, this whole time I’ve just been waiting for another Resident Evil 4.

The original Resident Evil 4 is a landmark installment in Capcom’s seminal survival-horror series that, for many, would need no introduction. However, considering it came out back when we assumed that Episode III would be the last Star Wars film and iPhones didn’t even exist yet, I should probably give it some context. At the time it was a big deal for Resident Evil to switch from the series’ traditional fixed-camera perspectives to a then radical over-the-shoulder viewpoint that brought us uncomfortably close to the gore and put the emphasis on reflexes and precision targeting, and as a result Resident Evil 4 was an action-horror epic without peer. Its influence has subsequently been felt in countless other third-person classics like Gears of War, Dead Space, and The Last of Us, and now its original DNA has been extracted, synthesised, and injected into a state-of-the-art host game, mutating it into a menacing new monster that's breathtaking to behold and immensely intimidating to encounter.

In preparation for this review I returned to the original game for the first time in years and was shocked at how badly this remake was needed. The movement of main star Leon Kennedy felt ridiculously restricted; he struggles to get around as though he’s wearing an old pair of skinny jeans that haven’t fit him since his police academy days, and is immobilised anytime he gets his gun out as though he’s incapable of independent control over his hands and feet at the same time. By modern standards it’s absurd, and would absolutely put off a lot of newcomers before they could begin to understand why this game is so highly regarded.

Sight for Saw Guys

Thankfully, those days are gone. Not unlike the recent Metroid Prime Remastered, this Resident Evil 4 remake plays like a 2023 game. Luxuries like simultaneous twin-stick movement and targeting mean that you can cautiously back away while still keeping your gun trained on the advancing hordes, or side-step out of the way of an incoming crossbow bolt without having to remove your eye from the scope of your rifle. This newfound freedom of movement makes you better equipped to really make the most of the immensely satisfying area-specific damage effects; blowing kneecaps out to expose an enemy to a melee finisher, blasting sticks of dynamite held in the hands of attackers before they have a chance to throw them, or simply reveling in some of the grisliest headshots in the history of video game shotguns.

Resident Evil 4's original DNA has been extracted, synthesised, and injected into a state-of-the-art host game, mutating it into a menacing new monster.

None of this will shock you if you never played the original, but trust me, it’s a big deal to those of us who are back for round two: the rough edges of a number of other interactions have been filed down, like how crates and barrels can be quickly smashed at the tap of a button rather than having to clumsily line up a knife swing, making it much faster to scramble for ammo and health pickups in the heat of a battle. Weapon switching is now performed instantly with a tap of the D-pad rather than having to pause to hop in and out of the inventory screen, and Leon’s combat knife can also be used to parry enemy attacks or bring a swift finish to staggered foes, or to take enemies out silently after he’s crept up on them with his new ability to crouch. (It must be those looser fitting jeans).

Crucially, though, this overhauled control setup makes combat more enjoyably fluid without compromising any of the challenge when played on the Hardcore setting recommended for returning players. (‘Standard’ and ‘Assisted’ modes are included if you want an easier time of it.) The added benefits of the knife are balanced by the fact that it takes damage with each use, so you can only rely on it sparingly – otherwise it will break like a tiny Master Sword and must be repaired at a merchant before you can resume stabbing.

Meanwhile, enemies move in dangerously erratic ways and have a tendency to quickly overwhelm in numbers, so you still have to make snap decisions when it comes to prioritising targets. They’ve also learnt a few cunning new tricks to trip you up with, like the sneaky way the homicidal villagers will lay down bear traps in the middle of a fight to keep you on your toes while you’re busy flexing your trigger finger. Resident Evil 4 may well give you a more expansive toolset to aid Leon’s survival, but you still need to keep your wits and reflexes sharp – because losing your head amidst a crowd crawling with a murderous mind-controlling parasite can swiftly result in Leon literally losing his. Thankfully, a new checkpoint save system minimises any arduous backtracking from your last manual typewriter save should Leon perish – but purists should take note that the unlockable Professional difficulty mode removes that safety net if you prefer a more punishing run the next time through.

Resident Evil 4 (2023) Review Screens

No matter what difficulty you choose, a major strength of Resident Evil 4 is that enemy types are continually shuffled so that you can never really settle into a one-size fits all strategy. Just as you’re comfortably pulling off headshots, they start wearing helmets to force you to target their legs. Then, once you’ve busted more kneecaps than a debt collector, they start coming back to life with deadly whipping tendrils sprouting out of their shoulders. Then, when you’ve figured out how to take out these terrifying mutations efficiently, you come face to face with a seemingly unstoppable waddling tub of nightmare fuel that can regenerate every blown off body part like a T-1000 that was hand-sculpted by Clive Barker. Resident Evil 4 gives you a growing number of guns that all feel great to use, from submachine guns to rocket launchers and the especially powerful magnums, and does its absolute best to ensure you’re leaving very little in the chamber after each frenzied firefight.

Best Horror Video Games - Top 50

As chosen by the IGN audience using our Face-Off tool in October 2022. After 1.2 million match-ups, this is the list that emerged from the shadows.

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1Silent Hill 2 [2001]Konami
2Resident Evil 2Capcom
3Resident Evil 7 BiohazardCapcom
4Dead SpaceEA Redwood Shores Studio
5Resident Evil 4Capcom
6Silent HillKonami
7Resident Evil VillageCapcom
8Resident Evil 2 [1998]Capcom
9Silent Hill 3Konami TYO
10Resident EvilCapcom Production Studio 4

I also love how the tactile nature of almost every element in your surroundings can be used as a tactical advantage, provided you can think fast enough on your feet. The chainsaw attacks from the terrifying, sack-hooded Dr. Salvador are just as deadly to Leon as they are to every other enemy in the vicinity, so baiting him into lunging at you and then steering him into a crowd of his own minions is a great way to thin the herd. Meanwhile, dangling oil lanterns can be shot and dropped onto an angry mob to set them all ablaze, but they can also be used to ignite hapless animals like cows who will rage out of control and scorch everyone in their path. When ammunition is always at a premium, it’s both practical and ridiculously entertaining to let a flaming hunk of hamburger do your dirty work.

Spanish Castle Magic

Many of you under 30 might have no clue what Resident Evil 4 is about: it’s perhaps best described as riding a rollercoaster that’s careening off the rails to crash through a row of spectacular haunted houses. What starts as a fairly straightforward rescue mission, with Leon sent into a small Spanish village in search of the US President’s missing daughter Ashley, soon hurtles into a heart-stopping series of battles against giant sea monsters and towering trolls, desperate defenses against crazed hordes in boarded up cabins, outrageous assaults on a heavily fortified castle, skulking sections through shadowy laboratories, explosive minecart chases, and countless run-ins with some truly twisted freaks infected with the mutating Las Plagas parasite, all of which look consistently incredible reimagined on Capcom’s RE Engine (which also powered the last two remakes). The original RE4’s famously flabby final third has been tightened up considerably, and it all builds towards an improved and genuinely imposing final boss fight that took all of my skill and ammo reserves to topple.

Of equal importance to its renovated environments and enemies is the anxiety-inducing audio design. It can’t be overstated how effective the sounds of Resident Evil 4 are when it comes to cultivating a genuine sense of dread. Whether it’s the manic chanting of its parasite-riddled peasant farmers when you enter a new area, the snarl of wolves as they whip through the leaves around you in the castle’s hedge maze, or the throaty rumble of a chainsaw motor idling in the distance, just listening to it all routinely had me inching towards the edge of my seat in anticipation for each enemy encounter, so when the the carnage kicked off and the tension spiked I had hardly any couch left to cling to.

Resident Evil 4 is like riding a rollercoaster that’s careening off the rails to crash through a row of spectacular haunted houses.

At every step of the journey there are enhancements, both big and small. The original’s gimmicky, quicktime-event-heavy knife battle against Major Krauser has been transformed into a gripping blend of parries and counter-attacks, while the frustration of escorting Ashley through certain sections has been reduced significantly by ditching her health bar so you don’t need to waste valuable green herbs on healing her, and her intelligence has been improved so she’s less prone to foolishly stumble into the hands of a bloodthirsty mob. Elsewhere, there have been considerable structural changes that make the environment feel more cohesive. For instance, in the original game the lake area primarily served as the backdrop to a boss fight, but now you can fully explore the lake and its surroundings by boat, docking at various inlets to scour cabins and caves for additional puzzles, valuable treasures, and hidden horrors lying in wait.

In fact, despite having played the original several times over, there still seemed to be something that surprised me around each and every corner, and the pacing of Leon’s plight never gets bogged down in the sort of storytime stroll that’s become so common in a lot of big-budget single-player adventures. With all due respect to the likes of The Last of Us and God of War Ragnarok – which are both excellent in their own ways – Resident Evil 4 has no time for dialogue-heavy deep and meaningfuls. Leon’s foppish haircut might scream noughties emo but his stoic attitude is all-out ‘80s action hero, and no matter how much I had to Tetris-swap the expanding selection of guns and ammo to fit his inventory case he always seemed to have plenty of room left up his sleeve for a winking one-liner to whip out after a thoroughly insane action sequence before sliding a fresh clip into his submachine gun and running headlong into the next.

The pacing of Leon’s plight never gets bogged down in the sort of storytime stroll that’s become so common in a lot of big-budget single-player adventures.

Stranger's Things

When you do need to take a breather, the mysterious merchant returns to keep Leon topped up with a suite of dangerous devices like a quaint form of Q Branch, along with new recipes that allow you to craft the exact ammo types you want when out in the world rather than having to rely on randomised drops. He also pays the bounties on the optional side quests that have been added throughout the campaign, like shooting down hidden blue medallions or tracking down a rare golden chicken egg, which proved to be fun little diversions away from the story’s murderous main path. These bounties are paid in spinel gemstones which can be traded for unique items and upgrades outside of his standard inventory of wares, so although I was initially sad to see the iconic red dot sight removed from Leon’s starting pistol, it only took me a few short quests to be able to buy one and satisfyingly fit it myself.

Every IGN Resident Evil Game Review Ever

One thing in particular that I appreciate about the remake’s merchant is that he’s a lot more generous when it comes to the trade-in value of your weapons. In the original it never really made sense to invest too heavily in upgrading the base pistol and shotgun early on, only for their value to drop dramatically when it came time to trade up for some beefier boomsticks. However, in the remake you’re effectively refunded close to the full value of each weapon along with the cost of any upgrades you’ve added to it, so you can re-spec your favourite guns and boost them towards their optimal forms without copping as big a penalty to your purse of Spanish pesetas.

The merchant also gives you access to the new bolt thrower weapon during your first encounter, and its reusable bolts come in handy in the story’s early hours when you’re still finding your feet as far as managing ammunition reserves and crafting resources goes. Yet despite his generous prices and fabulous wares, I couldn’t help but feel a little shortchanged after each transaction; his re-recorded dialogue isn’t delivered with quite the same kind of goofy charm as that of the grizzled original. However, in the scheme of things it says a lot for the overall quality of this remake when the only minor black mark I can give it is for its slightly blander black market dealer – and if this is your first time playing it won’t bother you in the slightest.

It’s also a shame that The Mercenaries mode isn’t included at launch, although it’s reassuring to know that it will be coming as part of a free update sometime in the future, and I’m extremely keen to tackle its frantic time attack challenges with the benefits of Leon’s more malleable move set. In the meantime there’s a New Game+ mode and a lengthy list of in-game challenges to complete in order to unlock additional weapons, costumes, and concept art, though it seems that bonus modes Assignment Ada and Separate Ways that were present in older versions of Resident Evil 4 have either been scrapped or potentially saved for DLC. Their loss isn’t that big of a deal since they were never as huge a draw as The Mercenaries for me personally, but when a campaign is consistently this amazing, it’s hard not to feel greedy for a little bit more.

Resident Evil 4 Review  - IGN (2024)


What is the score of IGN RE4 remake? ›

Score: 10. Read the full Resident Evil 4 Review.

What is the hardest Resident Evil to beat? ›

Resident Evil 2 is not only one of the best games in the franchise but also the hardest Resident Evil game. The original Resident Evil 2 is one of the greatest video games of the '90s, but 2019's remake set an exceptional standard for a new generation of remakes.

Why do people think Resident Evil 4 is good? ›

What's great about Resident Evil 4 is that it has been rebuilt from the ground up, just like the first three games in the series. This means modern visuals and new gameplay features, such as a couple of new moves for Leon to use against the enemies or side missions that you can complete if you feel like it.

Is Resident Evil 4 really that good Reddit? ›

It's a really good game but it's still an action horror game. It depends on just what about horror turns you off for games. It's not really trying to be all that scary most of the time, but there are monsters that you're constantly fighting.

Is RE4 scarier than RE2? ›

Its a bit subjective but you will have more tense moments in 4 and there are a few pretty scary moments but its more action driven. RE2 was more of a survival horror while RE4 is more of an action horror. Killing everything and anything that move is viable.

Is RE4 longer than RE2? ›

RE2 - 8 hours. RE3 - 5 hours. RE4 - 10 hours and I'm just about to leave the village, which is 1/3 of the game. Again, these times are for my first playthroughs, taking my sweet time to explore and admire the scenery.

Which Resident Evil is the easiest? ›

Many longtime Resident Evil fans regard Resident Evil 2 as the easiest out of the classic PS1 trilogy since it doesn't have the brutal puzzles of the first game or the Nemesis who stalks the player endlessly throughout Resident Evil 3.

Is Resident Evil 5 harder than 4? ›

RE5 is harder by far. Plus, it's harder to properly use the knife. In RE4, I could beat a whole group of Ganados with knives and kicks. RE 5 is definitely harder than the Wii version of RE 4 (best version IMO) plus the melee attacks don't seem as powerful.

Which Resident Evil is the longest? ›

Resident Evil 6 currently has the longest playtime in the Resident Evil series, at 21 hours. Resident Evil 6's impressive runtime is mainly thanks to the game's four scenarios that feature the interwoven storylines of Leon S. Kennedy, Ada Wong, Jake Muller and Chris Redfield.

Why is Resident Evil 4 a masterpiece? ›

The environments and character models have either been completely redesigned with inspirations from the original or have been faithfully remade. This results in a stunningly detailed world that draws players in from the get-go. Every facet of the game's gritty, disturbing world design is sprinkled with details.

Why is RE4 the best game ever? ›

Resident Evil 4 Remake is easily the best Resident Evil game ever especially combining it with Separate Ways. It's the best Resident Evil Remake as well as the best Resident Evil game, and one of the best games ever made. The fun factor, gameplay, story, pacing, enemies, character, style etc were all just perfect.

What is the problem with RE4 Remake? ›

These included game freezes, visual glitches such as characters' hands not connecting when they are meant to be holding on to each other, and Leon getting sent to "another dimension" as he falls through the floor. One tester said they had found "around 70" new bugs in one day.

Why is Resident Evil 4 lowercase? ›

Steam has a rule that games must be listed using the official name they originally have registered the game with. Because they originally used all lower case letters (Look at the games title screen) Steam policy forces them to list in on here as "resident evil 4/biohazard 4" without capitals.

What makes the RE4 Remake so good? ›

The enhanced movement, along with the much faster load times in and out of cut scenes gives the game a renewed intensity, something that's enhanced further by the redesigned settings. “Resident Evil 4” was always pretty terrifying, but there's a fluidity now that makes it even more of a nightmare fuel experience.

Is Resident Evil 4 popular in Japan? ›

[Gamer's World] Resident Evil 4 Leads the Charge in a Hot Month for Japanese Games.

Is Resident Evil 4 Remake a success? ›

RE4 Remake Has Achieved Global Saturation

Given its remarkable critical and commercial reception, and the quality of its DLC releases, Resident Evil 4 Remake has achieved unprecedented success.

What is the rating of Resident Evil 4? ›

Parents Need to Know

With some cursing and sexual dialogue in the mix, Resident Evil 4 is a game that earns its M rating.

Is RE4 Remake the best remake? ›

The remake is superior overall in terms of gameplay mechanics and controls, but it wouldn't be what it is without the og version which has personality and atmosphere in spades; both are 10/10. RE4 original or remake?

Why is the Resident Evil 4 Remake rated M? ›

The whole game involves violence– Do not play this game or any of the Resident Evil series if violence bothers you. Other important things you should definitely note before you buy is the theming of the game.

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